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Canvas size of your choice, 11 X 14 recommended


OIL PAINTS - student grade is fine for beginners

Titanium White

Cadmium Yellow

Cadmium Red light

Alizarin Crimson

Ultramarine Blue

Virdian Hue

Dioxizine Purple

Burnt Umber




'Bristle flats OR filberts various sizes, 2 smaller sables or synthetic rounds for detail. A liner to sign with.


Turpenoid or oderless turp. in a closed container.

small container for medium ( linseed oil or liquin)

rag for cleaning off brushes

palette- acrylic, glass or wood that had been sealed with linseed oil

palette knife for mixing

apron or wear clothing you won't worry about getting paint


Dick Blick is a good site for supplies on line  OR







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